Tuesday, August 12, 2008

VBS at NAS Oceana

The following is an article by Craig Clayton, FBCN Local Mission Strategist:

Snake Handling and Handcuffs Liven Up VBS at Oceana NAS

When word began to spread that Stephanie Parker was handling snakes and handcuffing some of the children at Vacation Bible School more than a few heads began to turn. Fortunately, the snakes were made of rubber and used to tell the story of Adam and Eve and the handcuffs were made of plastic and used to teach about the dangers of sin in our lives.

Even if there were no live snakes or real handcuffs, those involved in the joint venture of Chaplain Stephen Zachary (Oceana NAS) and the First Baptist Church of Norfolk, Va. agree that this has been a wonderful partnership. Chaplain Zack (as many of the children call him) visited the staff of First Baptist Church Norfolk with the purpose of seeking their help with an unexpected opportunity to conduct VBS on base during the week of August 4-8, 2008. When presented with the opportunity, Gary Sanders, Military Minister, Steve Browning, Minister to Students, and Craig Clayton, Local Missions Strategist agreed that they could not pass up such a wonderful opportunity. In the ensuing weeks meetings were conducted that produced a wonderful week of song, dance, crafts, snacks, and Bible study.

One of the fifth graders in attendance decided after the first day that he wanted to return next year as a volunteer with the VBS leadership. When his Mother learned of this it was quite a surprise because he did not want to go in the first place! Many children among the 50 in average attendance each day expressed gratitude and were so thankful for the opportunity to attend a VBS experience on base that was just for them.

Pray that God will continue to bless this Chaplain and Church as they seek to further God’s Kingdom together in faith and Christian brotherhood.