Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Enjoy The Pictures!

Students are doing an awesome job in Cincinnati! They have put on a neighborhood block party for children yesterday and are out canvasing the neighborhood with onfo about Origins Church today! Please continue to pray for their efforts to reach out for Jesus in Ohio!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Middle Schoolers Making An Impact!

Impact is a great word to describe the Middle School Mission Trip!

Students are making an impact on the community in Cincinnati, OH by working with Origins Church. Today they are going out to represent the church in the community by doing children’s ministry through a block party. Each day they are being trained in church planting and how to make a positive impression in the short time that they are there that will hopefully lead to an eternal impact through the life of Origins Church in the days, weeks, and months ahead. The church plant has two locations that they meet in for worship each week. You can find out more about the church that they are working at by visiting

Students are being impacted as they are challenged each evening through worship services designed to inspire them for the work ahead and a lifetime of serving Christ. Each morning students are also spending personal time with Christ (pictured above). Things seem to be going very well with the team! Stay tuned… More to come!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Middle School Mission Trip Update!

Middle Missionaries had a great time worshipping yesterday with the church plant that they will be serving throughout the week. Afterward they had a blast hanging out at a Red's Baseball game. Here is a pic of them in front of the field. Continue to pray for them as their work begin today!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

SLU 201 Comes to a close

Our students have had an intense 5 days in Washington, D.C. Whether touring the monuments, sitting in the church where George Washington worshiped, or visiting the Holocaust museum and speaking with survivors, students have been challenged to become strong and devoted leaders that live out their faith as our forefathers have. Only two more sessions this morning and we will be heading back home!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

SLU 201 Day One!!!

We arrived at the Hilton Hotel ready to check in and get settled. We were surprised by a familiar face when we arrived. Who knew that our good old friend J-Mac was on SLU staff!

Also unexpectedly, we spent about 3 hours waiting to receive our room keys. However, we were treated to a personal tour of the Presidential hallway and elevator so it was totally worth the wait!!

After a delicious dinner we had our first two sessions. Then we were able to sit by the fire on the terrace and discuss the ways God has already spoken to each of us.

Pray for our girls to have open hearts as God presents challenges this week that will push them and stretch them to become better leaders for Him!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Final Camp Update!

God done amazing things in the lives of the students that went to camp. As a final update, I just wanted tolet you know that there were 20 students baptized at the Celebration Service, many of them having accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior earlier in the week. There are recap videos as well as other camp vids available at Thanks to all of you that allowed your students to go. God will do BIG things with the impact He made this past week!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

An Incredible Message with an Incredible Response

Tonight Jeremy Kingsley, our camp speaker, communicated the truth of the Gospel with great clarity and conviction. The Holy Spirit was moving in powerful ways and many students responded. Some responded by giving their lives to Jesus for the first time. Others rededicated their commitment to follow Christ with everything inside them. Still others were moved to respond in various ways that honor God. More than twenty students were counseled at the conclusion of the service with six students asking Jesus to be their Lord and Savior for the first time. Praise the Lord!

It has been a GREAT day here in Wake Forest. Please continue to pray that God will keep pouring out His presence just as He has done in every step of the way since we arrived. Your prayers are making the difference!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

God Is Moving At Camp!

Greetings from Wake Forest University!

We have now come through our first two days of camp! Yesterday we arrived to beautiful Wake Forest University. Students moved into the dorms and then enjoyed "the best camp food ever". Afterward we jumped into our first worship service. The Matt Papa Band is leading worship this week. If you have never heard of Matt before you may google him to find a thin guy with a shock of red hair and a huge heart for worship. God's Spirit was evident as students worshipped God with incredible abandon. Seeing them sing out with everything inside of them was truly an awe-inspiring moment.

Jeremy Kinglsey opened up our week by driving home great biblical truths in ways that are relevant and applicable to students. One of the phrases that he has already seared into the minds of our students is that "you don't read the Bible to finish... you read the Bible to change". At the close of day one it was apparent that God has huge plans in store for our week together.

On Day Two, Camp breakfast came early at 7:30am in the caf before students had their quiet times using the devotions in their camp booklets. By 9am, we were back in full force worship as Jeremy talked about R.O.T.C = Rely, Obey, Trust, Cling. Students were challenged to Discover (our theme for the week) what is pleasing to God. Small groups came next. These are an essential component of our camp experience. Having so much truth poured into your brain and heart in such a short span of time can be overwhelming. Small groups are meant to connect the content of the messages to everyday life.

After another quick bite to eat, student reported for REC. Their first assignment... begin practicing for the LipSync competition. After last years incredible performances, this years acts are sure to be something fantastic! Then outdoor rec with team building games. There was some good competition going on between teams and the students had a blast.

Our evening session was phenomenal. Jeremy spoke of the Leper Jesus touched to heal (make clean). He likened it to being left out or leaving others out. Following his message, students poured through the auditorium asking forgiveness of each other and confessing their hardened hearts to one another. It was one of the moving moments in the time that I have been here as student pastor. One older brother ran to his younger sibling and asked forgiveness for the way that he had been treating him. Brokenness abounded and God was glorified.

For "Late Night", our middle schoolers visited the pool while our high school students played Capture the Flag. Then it was time for Guy/Girl Time. This is the time of the day when a couple of our adult leaders shares some insights about being a man of God to the men and a woman of God to the women. Susan and Jordan did an great job.

Please continue to pray for us. Tomorrow night, Jeremy will be sharing the Gospel and inviting any student who does not know Jesus to accept Him as Lord and Savior. Pray that any student that does not know Christ would be drawn to Him tomorrow night by the Spirit of God. Pray for changed lives and an awakening that will change the culture of students in Hampton Roads.

More to come tomorrow...